Sophie! :D
here i am all sad lonely

thinking my life is meloncholy

i need some lust

i need some love

some love to find,

i must, i must

here i stand before you now

standing tall and proud, but how

can i love this dazzling

genesis of mine,

but i do, i do

love this genesis of mine

with our love and hope

then maybe we can cope

with the parting of our love

while i find a wife

with flesh not stone

my dearest dove

Zayra M
2/4/2011 12:33:06 am

i really liked when you said "with our love and hope then maybe we can cope". And i didn't really get it till the end and i like that because the whole time i was thinking about who the could be and the end gave me the answer.

2/4/2011 12:41:53 am

Your poem had a very easy flow to it, and it was very simple and elegant. I liekd your rhyme scheme. it brought a more poetic feeling to it.

Ms. Miller
3/6/2011 11:24:17 pm

I like the idea of calling Galatea genesis.

Does the last stanza imply that Pygmalion wants to leave Galatea for a real woman?



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