Sophie! :D
What do you want out of college?
A review of 10 Things Your Employers Want You to Learn in College by Bill Coplin

       College.  Not just a place to learn, but to explore. If you get nothing out of college but a degree, please become ADEPT in these 10 skills: work ethic, physical performance, speaking, writing, teamwork, influencing people, research, number crunching, critical thinking, and problem solving. Mastering these skills will put you farther up on the list to get a job.  Not to be generic, but this book is about important things to do while in college, not only to master at your major and minor, but to become very well rounded. Being well rounded makes you a more likable person, because it shows that you enjoy change and different things.

       My definition of success is achieving a goal you may have, whether it is good grades in school, or becoming famous. Bill Coplin says, “learning to defer gratification is part of growing up, and growing up means motivating yourself to get what you want” (Coplin, 10). Coplin is very correct in this quote, it is important to know what gratification is and to know how to receive it. In life, I would like to go to Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD), and become a photographer, preferably famousJ. Money is a big obstacle, photo equipment would put a HUGE dent in the money I have. The novel helped me learn that I don’t just have to take required classes. For example, even if I don’t major in dance, I can still take a dance class to add a little PANACHE to my college life.

       The book is structured like a textbook. It will say a skill and quote, then information pertaining to the quote, then things to do within your courses and out of them. The author describes college as “… a place to learn how to determine the accuracy of information, and now perceptions and values bias much of the information you receive” (Coplin, 94) this quotes tells how about 2/3’s of what you learn in college are not needed in everyday life, and it’s important to tell what is needed to know and what is not. The topic for each chapter is a different skill. The first 10 chapters, of course, are about the ten skills I stated in the first paragraph. I would say the writing was effective and powerful. It attempts to motivate you into succeeding at what you want to do and preparing to succeed while in college. In the book 10 Things Your Employers Want You to Learn in, I learned the importance of being self motivating and deciphering important things from unimportant ones.

       I would recommend this book to college students, and maybe even high school students if the thing ahead. Readers should care about reading this book because it teaches the importance of being able to succeed easily. The “textbook”, describes the 10 things as good points. When your employer sees you have that, the light bulb and thumbs up go off in his head. 
9/24/2010 02:25:08 am

Great essay! I love the way your relate the college experience to what you want to do in the future. This essay iis insightful and informative. I would have liked to see a little bit more of you in your writing. Great job:)
-Princess Jessica ;)

9/24/2010 02:27:59 am

Sophie, I like the essay in general but there are a few things i would change. I would'nt capitalize and highlight the vocab words, and i think you could have elaborated on details a little more. Other than that it is pretty good.

9/24/2010 02:31:42 am

Good Job!! This essay contained a lot of important material on how you can be successful in college. I love how you adequately described the quotes in your paper. I would like for you to use more of your own opinion. Continue producing more fabulous essays like this one.


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