Sophie! :D
Chinese Cinderella is a nonfiction novel by Adeline Yen Mah, about her childhood during World War 2. It describes her struggles with being blamed for her mothers death and living with a stepmother, that swares Adeline is trouble. You could say that this is the chinese Cinderella story because Adeline was excluded from her family, especially by her evil stepmother. Adeline feeds off of the pressure from her family, to create wonderful pieces of literature. After changing from boarding school to boarding school, she wins an award for play-writing. Even though her father asks what Adeline wants to major in, while in college, he still goes against her wish for literature, and states that he wants her to study medicine. Through the beginning of the novel Adeline gets a pet chick, it becomes her dearest friend, someone she could talk to about anything. one day after dinner, the family dog attacks Pete, the chick, and soon dies after. this forces some anger to rise in Adeline, because it was the only thing in life that she felt was dear to her. i would relate this book to the American conderella story, because it tells about a girl that uses her troubles to her atvantage to create something wonderful.

-- a topical antibactirial agent used for cuts and scrapes
-- book sentence: she wiped away the blood, washed my wrist, and dressed the wounnd with mercurochrome, cotton and a bandage.
--my sentence: after i fell of the swing fixed the scratches with some mercurochrome and band-aids